Descargar Learning Geriatric Medicine: A Study Guide for Medical Students (Practical Issues in Geriatrics) de Regina Roller-Wirnsberger,Katrin Singler,Maria Cristina Polidori libros ebooks
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Learning Geriatric Medicine: A Study Guide for Medical Students (Practical Issues in Geriatrics) de Regina Roller-Wirnsberger,Katrin Singler,Maria Cristina Polidori
Descripción - Reseña del editor This textbook presents hands-on training material for medical students. The style reflects the need for practice-based teaching with a modern edge in daily clinical routine; accordingly, it also employs online material and pocket cards. Each chapter begins with specific learning objectives, which are cross-referenced with the European curriculum for undergraduate medical education released by the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) together with the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS), as well as the minimum geriatric competences for medical students established by the American Geriatrics Society (AGS). World-renowned European experts in practicing and teaching the interdisciplinary field of Geriatrics contributed to this work, with the aim of offering the new generation of health professionals a global perspective on one of the greatest public health challenges of our time: the management of the steadily increasing number of older, multimorbid, and vulnerable persons. The major strength of this book – published under the auspices of the EUGMS – is its pragmatic, goal-oriented approach, which makes it suitable for bedside learning and patient-centered medicine; further, all of the chapters are firmly based on the pillars of the ageing process in all of its biological aspects, helping readers understand the pathophysiology of and rationale behind interventions for the main geriatric syndromes and disorders. Contraportada This textbook presents hands-on training material for medical students. The style reflects the need for practice-based teaching with a modern edge in daily clinical routine; accordingly, it also employs online material and pocket cards. Each chapter begins with specific learning objectives, which are cross-referenced with the European curriculum for undergraduate medical education released by the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) together with the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS), as well as the minimum geriatric competences for medical students established by the American Geriatrics Society (AGS). World-renowned European experts in practicing and teaching the interdisciplinary field of Geriatrics contributed to this work, with the aim of offering the new generation of health professionals a global perspective on one of the greatest public health challenges of our time: the management of the steadily increasing number of older, multimorbid, and vulnerable persons. The major strength of this book – published under the auspices of the EUGMS – is its pragmatic, goal-oriented approach, which makes it suitable for bedside learning and patient-centered medicine; further, all of the chapters are firmly based on the pillars of the ageing process in all of its biological aspects, helping readers understand the pathophysiology of and rationale behind interventions for the main geriatric syndromes and disorders. Biografía del autor Dr. Regina Roller-Wirnsberger MD, MME has been a full professor of geriatric medicine at the Medical University of Graz, Austria, since 2011. She has extensive expertise in the field of medical education and currently heads the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Education and Training. She is also Vice President of the European Academy of Medicine of Aging (EAMA) and intensively involved in European Projects and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging (EIP/AHA) in the field of education and training. From 2011 to 2015 she was appointed secretary of the EUGMS. Her daily business at work at the Medical University of Graz also involves teaching activities for undergraduate students and curricular development. Her educational approach is competence- and practice-based, goal-oriented and employs best evidence medical education (BEME) strategies. Dr. Katrin Singler MD, MME is a senior registrar in Geriatrics at Nuremberg Paracelsus Private Medical University and lecturer at the Medical Faculty, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. Dr Singler is one of the board members of the European Academy for the Medicine of Aging (EAMA) and member of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Education and Training. She is actively involved in various European projects for curricular development in geriatrics in different settings. From 2012 to 2014 Dr Singler received a sponsorship for E-Learning in geriatric medicine from the Robert Bosch Foundation for Geriatrics. She has also received several awards from different medical societies including the Ignatius Nascher Award for her contributions in the field of geriatric medical education. Dr. Maria Cristina Polidori MD, PhD, FRCP is a senior registrar and lecturer in Geriatrics at the University Hospital of Cologne. She coordinates the Ageing Clinical Research unit at the Dept. II of Internal Medicine of the University Hospital of Cologne, and is member of the Study Commission of the Cologne Medical School. Her research focuses since 1991 on the translational aspects of ageing research, geriatric medicine and multimorbidity; she is investigator of numerous multicentric projects including the Italian Multicentric Study on Centenarians (as of 1992), the EU Concerted Action EUROFEDA (2000-2001), the EU MPI Age Study (2014-2017) and the JPND NeuroExercise (2015-2018). Dr Polidori obtained a professorship in physiological chemistry in 2008 and was appointed in Fellowships in the field of ageing, multimorbidity and Geriatrics at several renowned institutions including Harvard University, the EU Marie-Curie Program for Health and Lifestyle and the Robert Bosch Foundation for Geriatrics. She has received numerous prizes and awards including the Catherine Pasquier Award, the Schiffbauer Prize and is honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Dr Polidori has authored several high-impact publications in the field of ageing and geriatrics and is a member of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Education and Training, as well as secretary of the EUGMS SIG on Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Learning Geriatric Medicine: A Study Guide for Medical Students (Practical Issues in Geriatrics)
- Autor: Regina Roller-Wirnsberger,Katrin Singler,Maria Cristina Polidori
- Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Medicina
- Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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