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Descargar Gratis Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and People with Dementia (Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A Modular Handbook) de Linda Clare PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

Descargar Gratis Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and People with Dementia (Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A Modular Handbook) de Linda Clare PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descarga gratuita Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and People with Dementia (Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A Modular Handbook) descarga de libros

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Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and People with Dementia (Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A Modular Handbook) de Linda Clare

Descripción - Críticas 'Neuropsychological rehabilitation of individuals with dementia is a very important, timely topic. By writing a book that provides details concerning a range of cognitive rehabilitation approaches that have been used with individuals who have dementia, clinical researchers may become motivated to develop randomized control studies to evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions in this increasing population.' - Julie B. Hautamaki and Linda K. Laatsch, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 'This extraordinary book provides a thoughtful and practical framework for treatment of people with dementia. Over the years, what has passed for care of people suffering from this disorder has been a conglomeration of well-meaning, but ill-informed ideas; Clare demonstrates that we can do much better, and can do it now. Everyone who works with people with dementia and their families or has a concern for their well-being should read this book.' - Steven H. Zarit, Professor and Head of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, USA 'This positive, practical book, shows how neuropsychological rehabilitation techniques can be effectively applied with people with dementia. Setting the work in a biopsychosocial context, Linda Clare moves smoothly from theory to clinical practice, the extensive use of case illustrations bringing to life the issues and interventions discussed. I recommend it.'Jonathan Evans, Professor of Applied Neuropsychology, University of Glasgow, UK '… Linda Clare’s book Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and People With Dementia could not have been released at a more critical juncture… Truly a ‘handbook’ in every sense of the word, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and People With Dementia offers a substantive, well-organized approach to an insidious disease… With this book, Clare offers the promise of new hope by focusing on what individuals with dementia still can do, not on what they have lost.' - Carol A. Gosselink, PsycCRITIQUES Reseña del editor Rehabilitation provides a core concept around which to organise support, intervention and care for people with impairments in memory and other cognitive functions. This book introduces a conceptual framework and rationale for the application of a neuropsychological rehabilitation approach for people with dementia, helping them to manage, bypass or overcome these problems and experience optimum well-being. Methods and techniques of cognitive rehabilitation are described and the process of goal-setting is discussed in detail, showing how effective strategies may be linked to form an individualised, goal-oriented approach to intervention. The application of a rehabilitation approach in real-life contexts is explored, demonstrating the role and value of neuropsychological rehabilitation within a holistic, psychotherapeutic framework of care and support. This overview of the neuropsychological rehabilitation approach to dementia care will be of great interest to psychologists as well as to those studying or practising in the area. Biografía del autor Linda Clare is a chartered clinical psychologist and clinical neuropsychologist. She is currently Reader in Psychology in the School of Psychology, University of Wales Bangor. In 2003 she received the May Davidson award from the British Psychological Society for her contribution to the development of clinical psychology.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and People with Dementia (Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A Modular Handbook)
  • Autor: Linda Clare
  • Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Medicina
  • Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 435 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar Gratis Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and People with Dementia (Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A Modular Handbook) de Linda Clare PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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